For Anurag’s 50th
I remember the day when you came into this world, I was not around, was away to Mumbai attending a technical course at the IIT. There were no mobiles. The IIT office got a call from Daddy that I attended. I was told that Varsha has been moved to the Holy Family Hospital.
I managed to catch the fastest train to Delhi, that was the Frontier Mail. It used to take close to 24 hours. Taking a flight was not even imagined in our wildest dreams.
The train had an unscheduled halt at Okhla station. I got off there, as there was just a small airbag in the name of my baggage.
I reached the hospital in record time, you had already come into the world. Could only see you through the glass partition of the nursery.
It’s a strange and euphoric indescribable feeling when you see your own flesh and blood in a seperate being.
Could only touch and hold you when you came to Varsha’s room for your feed.
I stayed back in Delhi for just two or three days and rushed back in the same way as I came to enable me to finish the training.
As a small child, before the age of 3, you were quite subdued and literally sought permission for each and every action. And look at you now, holding the reins of a million dollar, or is it a billion dollar, company and steering it to goal after goal.
You were shy and did not make friends with strangers. While in Chandigarh, at the age of 5-6, you literally had to be pushed to join the kids playing cricket in the open field near our house.
You and Chaitali stayed with us in most of your growing up years. This gave us an opportunity to have a lot of companionship with you both. I still remember teaching both of you cycling, swimming, and even driving a car.
Remembering all those moments and growing up years shall be cherished for ever by Varsha and me. There are infinite memories that will stay with me for life.
Wishing you the best in life for this 50th birthday of yours.