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18 July 2010

No borders - Random Thoughts # 1

No Borders
I had the occasion of travelling through Europe in this month. All the journeys – traversing seven countries viz, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy & France – were done by road. I was amazed to notice that when we crossed a border and entered another country we literally had to be on the lookout to be aware that we are crossing into into another country.

The typical sign post you see on the right is noticed when you enter any country. There is no check post, no custom or immigration check, there is no restriction of any kind. Cars, coaches are not stopped for searching or checking, that is supposed to have been taken care at the time you entered the EU (European Union). This is the magic of Schengen. You can move from country to country at your free will. Their agreements dissuade criminals from fleeing one country just to get sanctuary in another country. They can not only be pursued by the Police into another country but can even be arrested when requested by the authorities of the country from which they could be fleeing. Yet they are independent. Most of the countries covered in the Schengen list also use the same currency, making it yet easier for the citizens, for the tourists and for their own administrators. Many of these countries used to remain at war with each other and their borders were no better than those between India & Pakistan, Nepal or Bangladesh. They not only realized and admitted their short sightedness but also rectified the situation. The original  Schengen 1 agreement was signed by only 5 European States (France, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg & Netherlands) on the 14th of June 1985. Gradually it kept extending and now the list includes 25 countries that are fully covered.
Look at the immense advantages:
1. No border control manning or defence expenditure for the same.
2. International trade gets benfit and citizens reap the benefits.
3. Tourisn gets a boost.
4. Crime reduces.
Disadvantage - appears to be only one, ie., the political parties/politicians are unable to get personal gains by controls and by heavy defence expenditure.

Before the implementation of the Schengen Agreement, most borders in Western Europe were patrolled and a vast network of border posts existed around the continent, to check the identity and entitlement of people wishing to travel from one country to another. Visa requirements also varied and the possessors of visas to visit one European country would not necessarily be entitled to visit others without separate visas.
Since the implementation of the Schengen rules, border posts have been closed (and often entirely removed) between participating countries. The Schengen Borders Code requires participating states to remove all obstacles to free traffic flow at internal borders. Thus, road, rail and air passengers no longer have their identity checked by border guards when crossing borders (however, security controls by carriers are still permissible). Visitors to Schengen countries can receive a Schengen visa that entitles them to travel freely throughout the Schengen area.

The famous Berlin Wall, Border check posts, Visa controls, Troops and tanks invading the countries etc. all have become history.

I wish that our Politicians can think for the country and not just for themselves and also drill some sense into our neighbouring politician, the future generations will be ever so grateful to them. India & Pakistan can again become one and a real super power, and the Indian Empire can be at least brought close to its former glory.

Puzzle - Forwards # 1

(Courtesy Subhash Tahilramani)

This puzzle is called Lateral Thinking.
Scroll down slowly and be honest to yourself.

Think like a wizard . . .

Q1.    ---------

Ans. = man overboard

Okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it.

Q2.    ------------

Ans. = I understand

OK .. . .

Got the drift ?

Let's try a few now and see

how you fare ?

Q3.    /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/

Ans. = reading between the lines

Q4.      r  

Ans. = cross road -->

Not having a good day now, are you ?

Redeem yourself.

Q5.      cycle  

Ans. = tricycle

Not easy to figure out ha!

Q6.      ---------  

Ans... = two degrees below zero

C'mon give it a little thought! !

Q7..      ------------

Ans.. = neon light

( knee - on - light )

U can prove u r smart by getting this one.

Q8.                      ------------ ---
                  feet feet feet feet feet feet

Ans. = six feet underground


Oh no, not again ! !

Q9.    he's X  himself

Ans. = he's by himself

Now u messing up big time.

Q10.      ecnalg

Ans. = backward glance

Not even close! !

Q11.      death ..... life

Ans. = life after death

Okay last chance ............ . ......

Q12.     THINK

Ans.. = think big ! !

And the last one is real fundoo - - -


ababaaabbbbaaaabbbb ababaabbaaabbbb. ..

Ans. =  long time no 'C' -->

Forwards - Random Thoughts # 2


We all receive "Forwards" galore if you are on e-mail. You have 2 choices - DELETE or FORWARD. The former makes you think and feel 'Aw that was good - I should have shared it'. The latter generally gets abuses from some, smiles from some others - and most often the person who receives them just deletes them being unable to cope with the volume that gets into the in INBOX.

So far I had a decision rule in my Outlook Express - that transferred all mails marked "FW:" in the subject line in a separate folder. It was much easier to read/attend/delete at leisure.

So - I have decided to put the interesting ones on this site and delete the others. The choice is thus yours .... if you wish to read or not to read - it ain't cluttering your mail box with unnecessary junk

Await my series on "Forwards". I do plan to mention the person(s) from whom I receive the forwards.

Sorry folks - 'forwards' with attachments is going to be a different ball game.

PS - Random Thoughts #1 is in draft stage.

My Music - Instrumental, Jazz, Easy Listening