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24 June 2010

Episode - Chapter 1

The story of Varsha and Triloki started in a 3rd class unreserved coach of the Indian Railways on the 6th of March 1967, that was when they met for the first time. It was a chance meeting and that too a very brief one, but the future (some people like to call it destiny) had something else in store for them.

Varsha was studying in the Ranchi Women's College in BA (Pol Sc) and Triloki was a budding engineer, studying in the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, in the Mechanical Engineering branch.

A lot of water has flown in the Ganges since that fateful day. We married in October 1970, had a lovely boy in May 1972, followed by a charming baby girl in December 1974 ..... the moving finger moved on... and now we are grandparents. Varsha joined the State Bank of India as a probationer & Triloki, an engineer, started his career as a Management Trainee with HAL. Time does not stand still and also takes it toll. We have lived through the ups and downs and have lead a full life - but no acheivements that would shape or affect history of this vast nation; yes we have definitely shaped the history of our near and dear ones and try to spread a bit of happiness to those around us.

(FIRST PUBLISHED ON 11TH SEPT 2005 on log http://nagpalvarshatriloki.blogspot.com/  

(Do read about our first meeting in the next chapter, click here Episode, Her Diary - Chapter 2)


Pri said...

that's a very sweet introduction..it must feel great to dig out these wonderful memories after so long..
the picture is lovely!! :)

triloki nagpal said...

@pri - there are not too many romantics these days and at this juncture "memories are all that I have to cling to..." beautiful lyrics in the old song of Bobby Darin - listen to it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApb_S5crCw - am sure you will love it.

Unknown said...

it's such a great felling to read your blogs sir......keep writing...

triloki nagpal said...

Ashwani - thank you for your encouraging comment.

Sajal Sinha said...

mechanical engineers of bit mesra rock......keep writing Sir....for u these are beautiful memories...... for us it seems like a fortunate future......

RP said...

Nagpal sir,

It is always nice to read your posts and this time its sweet an short. I will be there to meet all of you on 17th evening.

Unknown said...

You truly inspire people to live .. If you didn't tell your age I would have easily discounted at least a decade .. Even if I'm half of your age if could see your post as if it's happening right in front of me

triloki nagpal said...

Thank you all my friends for your beautiful and touching comments. It's the 50th anniversary of that fateful day of 6th March 1967, was re-reading all your comments and walking down my memory lane.
Do read Varsha's post of today for our golden jubilee at http://varshanagpal.blogspot.in/2017/03/half-century.html?spref=fb&m=1....please

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